Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cameron Diaz Beach Body Workout

Cameron Diaz has recently been photographed in a green bikini walking along the beach in Hawaii looking lean and sexy. In fact every time we see her, her athletic body definitely stands out from the crowd making most women despair as they suddenly realise that the summer months are heading towards them at an alarming speed and the thought of removing their clothes to reveal their not so perfect bodies sends them into a quivering mess, secretly wishing that they hadn't missed so many workout sessions and eaten a lot healthier!

As a fitness trainer to so many women I say it's never too late to burn some extra fat and have you looking smoking hot so you too can be proud to walk a long the beach on your vacation!

Unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to have trained Cameron but if I had been given the opportunity, this is what I would have done to whip her into shape.

This workout should be done 4 times per week. Complete entire circuits and repeat.

Squats with Dumbbells - 12 reps
Decline Press Ups (feet on a Swiss Ball) - 10 reps
Jump Squats - 30 seconds
Rest - 30 seconds
Walking Lunges with Dumbbells -12 reps each leg
Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press on Swiss ball - 10 reps each arm
Jump Rope - 30 seconds
Rest - 30 seconds
Reverse Lunges - 12 reps each leg
Pull-Ups - 10 reps
Jump Squats - 30 seconds
Rest - 30 seconds
Dumbbell Stiff Leg Dead Lifts - 12 reps
Swiss Ball Roll Out - 10 reps
Jump Rope - 30 seconds
Rest - 30 seconds

I would then include 15 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training 3 times per week done after 3 of the above workouts, which would consist of:

Hill or Flat Sprinting - 30 seconds
Slow walk down the hill or back to start - 60 seconds
Repeat this 10 times

On the other 3 days I would include hiking, swimming and perhaps cycling. Whatever exercise you enjoy that will keep you active.

With any workout plan your nutrition is just as important. Include 5 small meals each day. Breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack and dinner.

Eat protein with each meal, so for example eggs, chicken breasts, lean meat, fish, nuts and pulses. Include carbohydrates with your protein. So lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, staying away from heavy carbohydrates (brown rice, brown pasta) in the evenings and focusing on vegetables with your chicken, fish or lean meat.

Always stay away from processed foods and only eat healthy, natural and nutritious foods.
Eating well and following the workouts that I have mentioned will have you looking hot and sexy for your summer vacation. You may not get Cameron's body but you'll be proud to show off the one you've got.

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