Thursday, August 9, 2012

A word in Hindi - रूचिकर लगना

Hindi word:रूचिकर लगना
English translation:to interest

Part of speech:verb

Example sentence
Hindi:भाषा के बारे में शिक्षा मुझे रूचिकर लगती है।
English:Language studies interest me.

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100 Portuguese Phrases - Os veados acasalam no outono.

Os veados acasalam no outono.
Deer mate in the autumn.

Words of Today's Sentence:
o1. the (male) 2. him, them, it[Details]
veado m.stag, male deer, red deer[Details]
acasalarto mate, to reproduce[Details]
no, nain, in the, on, on the[Details]
outono m.autumn, fall[Details]

100 Phrases in Portuguese - Hélio é um gás.

Hélio é um gás.
Helium is a gas.

Words of Today's Sentence:
hélio m.helium[Details]
serto be[Details]
um, umaa, an, one[Details]
gás m.gas, vapour, fume[Details]

250 Spanish words - juguetes

Spanish word: juguetes
English translation: toys

Part of speech: noun

Example sentence
Spanish: Papá Noel trae juguetes a los niños.
English: Santa Claus brings toys to children.

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100 Phrases in Portuguese - Quero um reembolso integral.

Quero um reembolso integral.
I want a full refund.

Words of Today's Sentence:
quererto want[Details]
um, umaa, an, one[Details]
reembolso m.refund (noun), reimbursement[Details]
integral1. integral, whole, full 2. wholemeal[Details]

A word in Hindi - स्याही भरी

Hindi word:स्याही भरी
English translation:inky

Part of speech:adjective

Example sentence
Hindi:स्याह काली रात में आसमान में कोई सितारे नहीं थे।
English:The inky night sky had no stars.

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100 Phrases in Portuguese - Perdi a minha carteira.

Perdi a minha carteira.
I lost my wallet.

Words of Today's Sentence:
perderto lose[Details]
a1. the (female) 2. her, it, them 3. at, by, in, of, on, till, to, towards, under, upon 4. her, them (female)[Details]
minha, mine (female)[Details]
carteira f.1. wallet, purse 2. card 3. portfolio[Details]

250 Spanish Words - dejar

Spanish word: dejar
English translation: to permit

Part of speech: verb

Example sentence
Spanish: Yo dejo a mi hijo manejar mi carro.
English: I permit my son to drive my car.

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250 Spanish Words - pala

Spanish word: pala
English translation: shovel

Part of speech: noun

Example sentence
Spanish: Mi hijo lleva su pala y cubo a la playa.
English: My son is carrying his shovel and bucket to the beach.

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