Friday, January 14, 2011

Alicia Silverstone's Vegan Lifestyle - A Model to Follow

Alicia Silverstone's vegan lifestyle has brought her the glowing model looks which so many crave. She has been vegan for 10 years and in that time has lost the weight she wanted to lose, her nails are stronger and her skin is glowing. Surely this is a true model lifestyle to follow.

The Jewish community has been keen to promote Alicia Silverstone's vegan lifestyle. "Spiritual people don't want to cause suffering to any creature, which is why a lot of synagogues are going vegetarian, and there is a huge vegetarian movement in the Jewish community," Silverstone said. Her father, Monty, is an English-born Jew whose ancestors came from Eastern Europe whilst her mother, Didi is from Scotland and converted to Judaism before Alicia was born.

Alicia Turned Vegan at 21. She became a household name aged 18 with her film "Clueless" though she made this film before she turned vegan. She followed this up as Batgirl in a remake of Batman and Robin, which was a box office flop and she was criticised for putting on weight.

At 21, after the Batman and Robin criticism, she made the decision to go fully vegan. She didn't know for sure how or if her health would be altered. She didn't know if she'd maintain a balanced diet or eat a good meal again.

After a couple of weeks she noticed her chronic acne had disappeared, her face glowed and her body had slimmed down. She no longer got allergy shots, stopped her asthma medication and any antibiotic. She had detoxed her body, ridding herself of the things that caused her skin and weight problems.

Her weight loss didn't come from going on a diet. Instead it was as a result of cutting out the bad fats and proteins commonly found in meat and dairy products & replacing it with healthy fruit and vegetables.

Alicia has been a strong advocate of the raw lifestyle. This is a variation on veganism where food is not heated above 118 degrees, since cooking above this temperature kills the goodness and nutrients found in fruit and vegetables.

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